I help organizations shape the future by understanding the past.

I'm an international keynote speaker, best-selling author, business historian and professor of Management.

Best-selling Book

The Unseen Leader

How History Can Help Us Rethink Leadership

A provocative look at what history really teaches us about effective leadership. This book will challenge you to rethink some of your core assumptions about what it takes to align people around common goals.” 

Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of THINK AGAIN and host of the podcast Re:Thinking 


Are We Celebrating The Wrong Leaders? 

My TEDx Berlin Talk has over 1 million views. Watch it on TED.com

In my talks, I bridge insights from history and the social sciences to explore questions of leadership, management, and technology.

Check out my PepTalk speaker profile to learn more about topics I’ve recently spoken on and to enquire about having me speak to your organization

What audience members are saying…

  • “Martin brings a unique historian’s perspective that keeps us grounded in human-centred values, learnings and future endeavours. In times of AI and fast technological advancement, Martin invites us to think creatively and exercise critical reasoning. It is a pleasure to have Martin as a guest speaker; he is a very fearless one!”

    —Elisabete Ramalho, Google

  • "Martin captivated our 500+ person audience with his engaging and poignant talk on crisis leadership and what it means to lead in a crisis-dense world. Martin has a great appeal when he speaks to an international audience, he is humble and authoritative at the same time."

    —Patricia Sánchez, Global Crisis Preparedness Director, Dow

  • "Martin is a masterful and engaging speaker who blends captivating stories with clear, actionable takeaways. Our audience loved every minute of his talk!"

    —Leo Staub, Zurich Corporate Law


I have delivered keynote presentations to organizations including:

I am a contributor to Forbes.com where I write on leadership, technology, and history.


My commentary, articles and interviews are featured in:

For a list of my academic publication, see my university profile.

Podcast appearances

I’m a regular podcast guest. Recent episodes include: